| Week of 02/25/2016 - Featured Blog Post
New Month, New Opportunity
I missed my January weight loss goal by 1 pound. Of course, I wish I had met and exceeded that goal, but I am not surprised. I was not focused on my food. I allowed life to distract me too much. Work changes, demands, stress came back after the holiday slowdown heavier than past years. Unexpected family stress added another distraction the first 2 weeks of the month. By then I felt so far behind the ball, it was hard to refocus myself. Despite those challenges, I did maintain my daily workout schedule and added more cardio which I am sure contributed to the loss I had this month. Now I have a whole new month to try again and in fact I realize each day is a new opportunity to be better and do better than the day before. I have to remind myself that even when I feel overwhelmed and tired by the whirlwind that is my life, I can and should take as much care when considering and preparing MY breakfast, MY lunch and MY snacks as I do for my family. So I have a new 3 pound goal for February and with my "Healthy, Active, Flexible and Strong" mantra from January. I am going treat myself with more mindful kindness. Any small effort or success is a success and a step in the positive direction, and should not be considered a miss from perfection. I am not perfect and that is okay. I am a work in progress.
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