| Week of 03/03/2016 - Featured Blog Post
Focusing on Non-Scale Victories
I've been seeing a lot of people talk about how they've chosen to not focus on the scale but prefer to pay attention to energy levels, strength, clothes fitting differently, inches lost, and the like. The scale causes anxiety, frustration, and disappointment, so by measuring weight loss through other avenues, they feel they are just as successful and have a more positive outlook on it. I'm a scale-junky. I weigh-in daily just to check how I'm doing, but I only record my weight once a week. I've seen others who use this same approach, others who think we're crazy for getting on the scale every day, and everything in between. I say, "Do what works for you." Most days don't show large jumps on the scale, but by the end of the week, I'm usually down a pound or two after watching the scale daily drop ounces. The past couple weeks, however, the scale stopped moving for several days at a time. Then it would drop an ounce and stand firm again for another few days. In the past, when I've not seen the results I've wanted on a consistent basis such as this, I've allowed it to derail my efforts. And I'll admit, the temptation for that to happen was strong this week, but my knowledge on what brings about long-term, lasting results won out. I reassessed my habits, increased my intake to the middle of my range rather than the lowest end just to ensure I'm really giving my body enough calories for proper functioning, and I checked for non-scale victories. 1) I've dropped a pants size since starting this journey which meant I could fit easily into some old pants and had to buy some new ones. 2) My physical strength has increased dramatically both in terms of weight I can lift/reps I can complete and endurance in cardio. 3) I have more will power to say no to my trigger foods than I realized. I avoid desserts and bread when I don't have an accurate way to track them (i.e. at the campus cafeteria) and treat myself to healthy portions when I can track. Overall, I've begun to see the power in measuring one's journey in terms that don't involve the scale. As I continue to make healthy choices, my body will perform better because of it. The scale will follow in due course, but it isn't the only way to define the progress I've made on this journey. So I'm pressing on to a healthier me! What are your thoughts on the scale? A source of motivation, or a source of frustration?
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I am a 39 year old married mom of 3 girls. 5, 8 & 16 I have around 160 pounds to lose. I like to ... | | | ...Go To TABBYKAT75 Page | | | | | | | SparkPeople's mission is to Spark millions of People around the world to get healthy and reach new goals every day. Join the movement by clicking the link below to earn your SparkPoints, or connecting with SparkPeople in one of these other ways:
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