| Week of 06/23/2016 - Featured Blog Post
Can You Look Beyond the Scale?
I've been a bit stuck on the scale this past month. Learning how to eat properly and getting my exercise routine down has been harder than I thought it would be. I have over one hundred pounds to lose and that is daunting. It's smaller things I need to celebrate to keep the momentum going. I was sharing with the dietician yesterday that it seems like so much work and I am only down 7 lbs. Then she asked: How do you feel? Less bloated. Could you say that 75% of the time you make the healthy choice now? Yup. Are you drinking enough water? Yes, at least 8 glasses a day. And how often do you prepare your own meals now? 90% of the time. When's the last time you went to the drive thru? Weeks ago.... And so it went. She helped me look more closely at what is going well, in ADDITION to the 7 lbs lost. Yes it is hard work. Is it good for me? YES. There are a lot of positives going on. I'm cooking from scratch all but 2 or 3 meals. I'm eating breakfast. I have to work on the exercise because that has not been consistent, but I'm getting there. I have to look at the positives to keep me going. It took 10 years of weight creep to end up here in the 200's, so I need to be kinder to myself on how long it will take for the weight to start melting off. I'm being impatient. I need to celebrate progress everywhere I can find it.
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