Mayo Clinic on Controlling High Blood Pressure

5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure

Mayo Clinic 5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure


  • Lower your high blood pressure more easily
  • Keep it under control with small daily steps
  • Greatly reduce your risk of the health damage that high blood pressure can cause


From the desk of:
Sheldon Sheps, M.D.
Medical Editor-in-Chief

Dear E-newsletter Subscriber,

Perhaps like many Americans, you've been told you have high blood pressure.

If so, I'm pleased to offer you some of Mayo Clinic's most helpful information for controlling your blood pressure and improving your overall health — Mayo Clinic 5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure, 2nd Edition.

With the guidance of this book, you can look forward to key health benefits ...

  • Learn which single factor you can do the most about when it comes to influencing your blood pressure.
  • Has your doctor told you to eat a healthier diet? In this book, you'll learn specifically what to eat more of, what to eat less of, and how to make healthy eating an enjoyable lifestyle.
  • You know that maintaining a healthy weight is important. And we know it's not easy. But losing as little as 10 pounds may reduce your blood pressure to a healthier level. This book offers practical help for meeting the challenge of achieving and maintaining a healthier weight.
  • There's a great alternative to blood pressure medications. This step may lower your blood pressure just about as much — without the expense of prescriptions.
  • Did you know that your blood pressure goes down if you make your heart stronger? A strong heart exerts less force on arteries. You'll find dozens of tips to realize this goal.
  • If you have high blood pressure and you smoke, your odds of heart disease are much greater. Turn your resolve to quit into effective action with practical guidance from Mayo medical experts.
  • Of all the issues related to high blood pressure, none is more debated than salt. But moderating salt consumption can benefit everyone, regardless of age, race, sex or health status. In this book, you'll learn how to manage your sodium intake and live a healthier life.
  • When changes in lifestyle aren't enough, today's medications offer effective blood pressure control while reducing your risk of other health concerns. Learn which medication, or
    combination of medications, may be best suited to your individual health needs and medical history.

Put it all together with Mayo Clinic 5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure, 2nd Edition.

Separately, each of these steps may improve your overall health and help lower your blood pressure. When combined, the steps in this book form a personalized program developed by Mayo Clinic experts and suited to your particular needs.

Order today for only $29.95, and put this information to work in your own life, or order for a loved one who could enjoy a healthier future with the help of this knowledge.

Yours in good health,

Sheldon Sheps, M.D.
Medical Editor-in-Chief

Order Now

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Mayo Clinic 5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure

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