| Week of 02/04/2016 - Featured Blog Post
I Can Do Difficult Things, and So Can You!
This week I've been thinking about something I've discussed with my son. My wonderful, amazing son has some learning issues and at times can become overwhelmed with his school work. This can end in falling down, crying, and avoiding doing his work altogether. Recently, we discussed how sometimes the work can be hard for him. But I told him that in our family, "We can do hard things." I wanted to acknowledge the difficulty of the situation but also that I believe in him and (with my support) he can do it! When I first told this to my son, I briefly thought about how this has applied in my life when I've been overwhelmed at work or when I had to leave my job and friends to move to a new, unknown city. But this week I've been thinking how this applies to my efforts to lose weight and get healthy. I've spent too long avoiding the issue just as my son tries to avoid his schoolwork, but (with the support of my family and SparkPeople) I can do this because "I can do hard things", too. When I believe that I can do difficult things, so much more seems possible whether it is losing weight or becoming a runner. It is such an empowering message and I've been repeating it to myself lately. In two days, I start a new job after not working for about 2 1/2 years. I know this is going to make life harder, but I can do hard things! I know that PLANNING is key. This weekend I prepped some food so I don't have to do as much during the week and can just grab-and-go in the morning. I'm also going to try getting up early so I can exercise before I wake the kids up for school and then get them on the bus before I head off to work. It will be hard to wake up, but I can do it because I can do hard things. What about you?
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